Of course, we don’t know what tomorrow will bring, what forces and energies will be released in us, around us! It is impossible to predict how, when, and with what we will react to such and such a manifestation of our fellow human beings! Of course, it’s easy to say that you LOVE it, but I think it’s impossible to follow it! You can strive for that, I practice this too!
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Human and Celestial Citizens
Perhaps, one day, when we come here to this planet called Earth, we will manage to embrace all people and then we will realize: we really are both Human and Celestial Citizens, as we once were!
In the meantime, I wish you to find peace within yourself, accept yourself as you are!
Work on YOURSELF, do it for YOURSELF! Accept others as they are!
That way, you might look at something else with brighter, clearer eyes, and maybe even accept it!
If you succeed…
If you succeed, I think you can hug yourself, wrap yourself in endless love!
You open…
Maybe one or two people will fall into the current of your LOVE, and they will ask for a place in your heart and you will gladly open it for them!
He also takes the sheet, takes the SIGNS, takes your pure feelings, accepts him into his heart!
Maybe it was just the LIGHT from your eyes, your clear gaze, your smile, a word, a touch, a gesture that captured him, but maybe it was the exact opposite of all of these!
Spiritual ammunition
Even if your relationship doesn’t deepen – it doesn’t matter how long it lasts – he will pick it up one day – You too! – to gain spiritual and spiritual ammunition in the difficult times and to give him what he experienced when you gave each other!
Carson: “Mindegyikőnknek van bőröndje…” – belenéztünk a Carson Comáéba, de Hegedűs Józsiéba is
We are looking for supporters to prepare the materials for our magazine and develop our pages!
You also remember, it’s easier to move forward on your path, because you clearly gave and received to improve YOURSELF, through others….
Perhaps Time and Space are unimportant, but rather the fact that ONCE – and YOU EXPERIENCED THE MIRACLE, you forgot EACH OTHER, you were PRESENT IN EACH OTHER!
God bless you!
May the Lord bless your every step, create peace in YOURSELF and hug whoever you want!
Give YOURSELF to someone who feels the same way, no matter where this LIFE takes you!
Benjámin Sándor Csala
Ferenc Visnyei/Visó
Every moment of EXISTENCE
Live every moment of EXISTENCE – and with those who are able to accept you as you are!
They are knotted up
Maybe they will tie you into the Endless Flow of LOVE, the FLOWING FLOW of LOVE.
Unwanted energies
Life, dark forces generated by the ego, unwanted energies, even if they hit you, you send them away. They come to hinder your progress, but you rise above them, through LOVE!
Here on Earth, let’s give EACH OTHER with our PRESENCE, because we can’t have anything else, a true treasure, for OURSELVES, but LOVE!
I wish a BLESSED, PEACEFUL, LOVING PRESENCE to you and your loved ones, to all my dear fellow human beings!
Dimash’s contact details
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